We are fascinated by DNA And how it is incorporated in everything we do
Being passionate about our strong customer orientation, our service and quality standards is our highest priority. Eurofins Genomics is globally known for its innovative and customi-sed technologies in the life science industries and academic research.
We are an international provider of genomic services around the core business lines next generation sequencing, genotyping, gene ex-pression analysis, Sanger sequencing, oligonu-cleotide and gene synthesis.
We are represented in a variety of markets:
Your reliable genomics partner
For animal & plant breeders
DNA-based safety solutions & traceability
Full service laboratory to support your business
Genomics solutions and services for foundational research
Reliable supplier of high-quality oligos at any scale
If you want to know more about Eurofins Genomics, we invite you to enter our world of genomics and be amazed by our distinctive ability to experience the power of DNA together with you.
Eurofins Genomics is a trusted brand around the globe
Reliable and validated analytical methods
Why are we here?
We work on a healthier, longer,
more sustainable future by supporting our customers in their projects.
We set out to shape the future
We set out to shape the biotechnology industry and set benchmarks for the future of genomic services through our commitment to our mission, vision and values.
We focus on delivering products and solutions with the highest quality for our customers and making a difference in the lives of everyone who is touched by our business.
Through the optimum combination of the highest product quality, customer-focused service and innovative developments in the genomic research field, we want to achieve new experiences in the world of the four bases with our employees, shareholders and customers around the world.
We aim to be a great workplace for our emp-loyees and a outstanding communication en-vironment for our customers.
To provide a rich product portfolio based on the highest quality that exceeds our custo-mers’ needs and expectations.
To cultivate an international network of expert suppliers with whom we create long term va-lue for our company and customers.
To build and support sustainability in all our corporate processes and culture.
Customer focus
Competence & team spirit