We are cultivating an environment where you can develop your skills and personality to the fullest.
Your opportunity
A career at Eurofins Genomics is the opportunity to bring your career plans and dreams into reality.
We offer you the chance to develop a successful career and give you the opportunity to make a difference in the world of DNA.
Working with us
We are an international provider of genomics services with a large variety of exciting and challenging job positions.
From lab technicians, quality management, process engineering, research and develop-ment to general management.
We believe in education and work-life balance
We cultivate an environment where people can develop their skills and personalities to the fullest, and provide them with what they need to excel.
Personal education and development
We support your personal develop-
ment through various training courses and workshops all tailored to unlocking your potential.
We provide you with training opportunities, workshops and seminar series for your profes-sional development.
Flexible working conditions
We understand that people face quite a num-ber of hurdles as they charter their career paths.
For employees who need more flexibility to at-tend to family or other private obligations, we offer flexible working hours to support a great work-life balance.
For a a strong and diverse company
Embedded in our mission & values is our commitment to employing talented and skil-led men and women from a variety of back-grounds and professions. We recognise that the personalities of every employee help us to build a strong and diverse company.