Next Generation

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High-throughput sequencing driven by far-seeing experts

Eurofins Genomics is realising ambitious cus-tomer requirements as well as market de-mands for cutting-edge NGS applications by:

  • State-of-the-art lab equipment for DNA or RNA extraction
  • Industry-leading quality standards for our NGS labs
  • Experience with large multinational projects.

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INVIEW Resequencing
INVIEW Microbiome
INVIEW Transcriptome
INVIEW Metagenome
NGSelect Amplicon
Whole Plasmid Sequencing
NGS Prepaid Coupons
Genome Sequencing
Oncology Solutions
Oxford nanopore (ONT) Sequencing
OLINK Explore 3072

Selection of publications by our customers who are using our Next Generation Se-quencing

Transcriptome sequencing: Schulze M., Kumar Y.,Rattay M.,Niemann J.,Wijffels R.H., Martens D.E. Transcriptomic analysis reveals mode of action of butyric acid supplementation in an intensified CHO cell fed-batch process. Biotechnology & Bioengineering

INVIEW Oncoprofiling: Siesing, C., Petersson, A., Ulfarsdottir, T. et al. Delineating the intra-patient heterogeneity of molecular alterations in treatment-naïve colorectal cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis. Mod Pathol 

Methylation analysis: Shcherbakov D, Nigri M, Akbergenov R, Brilkova M, Mantovani M, Petit PI, Grimm A, Karol AA, Teo Y, Sanchón AC, Kumar Y, Eckert A, Thiam K, Seebeck P, Wolfer DP, Böttger EC. Premature aging in mice with error-prone protein synthesis. Sci Adv.

INVIEW CRISPR Check: Kaeuferle et al. Genome-wide off-target analyses of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated T-cell receptor engineering in primary human T cells. Clinical & Translational Immunology

Whole Genome Sequencing: Turco et al. Complete genome assembly of the levan-positive strain PVFi1 of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi isolated from olive knots in Central Italy. Environmental Microbiology Reports

Transcriptome sequencing: Hühn et al. Prolonged estrogen deprivation triggers a broad immunosuppressive phenotype in breast cancer cells. Molecular Oncology

Whole Genome Sequencing: Nikodinoska et al. Whole genome sequence data of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum IMI 507,027. Sciene Direct

SARS-CoV-2 research: Mahajan et al. Systemic infection of SARS-CoV-2 in free ranging Leopard (Panthera pardus fusca) in India

Transcriptome sequencing: Pust et al., Direct RNA nanopore sequencing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa clone C transcriptomes

Genome sequencing: Lilge et al., Draft Genome Sequence of the Type Strain Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis DSM10

Amplicon sequencing: Hailu et al., Insight into microbial community diversity and composition of two-stage anaerobic digestion: Focusing methanogenic stage

Exome sequencing: Meyer et al., Single-Center Prospective Cohort Study on the Histopathology, Genotype, and Postsurgical Outcomes of Patients With Primary Aldosteronism

Amplicon sequencing: Vinay et al., Effect of Bacillus spp. on the composition of gut microbiota in early life stages of Indian white shrimp, Penaeus indicus

Transcriptome sequencing: Cartagena et al., Comparative transcriptome analysis of root types in salt tolerant and sensitive rice varieties in response to salinity stress

Genome sequencing: Bamouh et al., Draft Genome Sequence of the Capripoxvirus Vaccine Strain KSGP 0240, Reisolated from Cattle

Genome sequencing: Cornet et al., The taxonomy of the Trichophyton rubrum complex: a phylogenomic approach

Amplicon sequencing: Vilperte et al., Development of a multiplex amplicon-sequencing assay to detect low-frequency mutations in poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) breeding programmes

Amplicon sequencing: Subedi et al., Developing Chenopodium ficifolium as a potential B genome diploid model system for genetic characterization and improvement of allotetraploid quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)

Transcriptome sequencing: Robertson et al., Increased immune activation and signs of neuronal injury in HIV-negative people on preexposure prophylaxis

Transcriptome sequencing: Anzai et al., TMEM180 contributes to SW480 human colorectal cancer cell proliferation through intra-cellular metabolic pathways

Transcriptome sequencing: Woock et al., Serine residues 726 and 780 have nonredundant roles regulating STAT5a activity in luminal breast cancer

Bisulfite sequencing: Gegner et al., Complete Metamorphosis in Manduca sexta Involves Specific Changes in DNA Methylation Patterns

Genome sequencing: Schwendener et al., Complete Circular Genome Sequence of a mecB– and mecD-Containing Strain of Macrococcus canis

Transcriptome sequencing: Lukicheva et al., Genome Assembly of the Cold-Tolerant Leaf Beetle Gonioctena quinquepunctata, an Important Resource for Studying Its Evolution and Reproductive Barriers between Species

Transcriptome sequencing: Wittig et al., Two Brassica napus cultivars differ in gene expression, but not in their response to submergence

Genome sequencing: Ezemokwe et al., Complete Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas Phage Zikora

NGSelect Amplicon 2ndPCR: Kluesner et al., MultiEditR: The first tool for the detection and quantification of RNA editing from Sanger sequencing demonstrates comparable fidelity to RNA-seq

Genome sequencing: Leao et al., Occurrence of a Rare Multidrug Resistant Escherichia coli Coharboring blaCTX-M-32 and blaCTX-M-2 Genes in a Bovine

Genome sequencing: Moriniere et al., In vitro exploration of the Xanthomonas hortorum pv. vitians genome using transposon insertion sequencing and comparative genomics to discriminate between core and contextual essential genes

Genome sequencing: Kawahara et al., Francisellosis of Yesso scallops Mizuhopecten yessoensis in Japan is caused by a novel type of Francisella halioticida

Transcriptome sequencing: Lenz et al., All-trans retinoic acid induces synaptopodin-dependent metaplasticity in mouse dentate granule cells

Gras-Di sequencing: Doganlar et al., Development of single nucleotide polymorphism markers using genotyping by sequencing technique for determination of genetic diversity and population structure in hazelnut

Genome sequencing: Jones, Du, Bernstein, Meyer, Hoppe, Schilling, Ableitner, Juling, Dick, Strauss, Bienefeld. Tool for genomic selection and breeding to evolutionary adaptation: Development of a 100K single nucleotide polymorphism array for the honey bee. Ecol Evol. (2020)

Library preparation: J F Hess, T A Kohl, M Kotrová, K Rönsch, T Paprotka, V Mohr, T Hutzenlaub, M Brüggemann, R Zengerle, S Niemann, N Paust. Library preparation for next generation sequencing: A review of automation strategies, Biotechnol Adv

Genome sequencing: Kawahara et al., Flies from a tertiary hospital in Rwanda carry multidrug-resistant Gram-negative pathogens including extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing E. coli sequence type 131

Lentiviral gene therapy: Kohn DB, Booth C, Kang EM, Pai SY, Shaw KL, Santilli G, Armant M, Buckland KF, Choi U, De Ravin SS, Dorsey MJ, Kuo CY, Leon-Rico D, Rivat C, Izotova N, Gilmour K, Snell K, Dip JX, Darwish J, Morris EC, Terrazas D, Wang LD, Bauser CA, Paprotka T, Kuhns DB, Gregg J, Raymond HE, Everett JK, Honnet G, Biasco L, Newburger PE, Bushman FD, Grez M, Gaspar HB, Williams DA, Malech HL, Galy A, Thrasher AJ; Net4CGD consortium. Lentiviral gene therapy for X-linked chronic granulomatous disease. Nat Med. 2020 Feb;26(2):200-206.

Methylation studies: Nené NR, Barrett J, Jones A, Evans I, Reisel D, Timms JF, Paprotka T, Leimbach A, Franchi D, Colombo N, Bjørge L, Zikan M, Cibula D, Widschwendter M. DNA methylation signatures to predict the cervicovaginal microbiome status. Clin Epigenetics.

Exome sequencing: Mäkelä R, Arjonen A, Härmä V, Rintanen N, Paasonen L, Paprotka T, Rönsch K, Kuopio T, Kononen J, Rantala JK. Ex vivo modelling of drug efficacy in a rare metastatic urachal carcinoma. BMC Cancer.

Transcriptome sequencing: Golfier et al., Distinct and overlapping functions of Miscanthus sinensis MYB transcription factors SCM1 and MYB103 in lignin biosynthesis. BioRxiv (2019)

Genome sequencing: Ravi K., et al., Physiological characterization and sequence analysis of a syringate-consuming Actinobacterium, Bioresource technology (2019)

Genome sequencing: Aliyu H, Gorte O, Neumann A, Ochsenreither K. Draft genome sequence of the oleaginous yeast Saitozyma podzolica (syn. Cryptococcus podzolicus) DSM 27192. Microbiol Resour Announc 8:e01676-18 (2019)

Microbiome sequencing: Palakawong Na Ayudthaya S, et al., Microbial Diversity and Organic Acid Production of Guinea Pig Faecal Samples, Current Microbiology (2019)

Metagenome sequencing: Enterobacteriaceae dominate the core microbiome and contribute to the resistome of arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.), Microbiome Journal (2019)

Genome sequencing: Le Roy T., et al., Butyricimonas faecalis sp. nov., isolated from human faeces and emended description of the genus Butyricimonas, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2019)

Microbiome sequencing: Jensen A, et al., Unique subgingival microbiota associated with periodontitis in cirrhosis patients. Nature Scientific Reports (2018)

Transcriptome sequencing: Bell P.A, et al., Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotropic factor is an important factor in chondrocyte ER homeostasis, Cell Stress and Chaperones (2018)

Microbiome sequencing: Teixeira C, et al., Barley Products of Different Fiber Composition Selectively Change Microbiota Composition in Rats, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research (2018)

Transcriptome sequencing: Janus P, et al., Pro-inflammatory cytokine and high doses of ionizing radiation have similar effects on the expression of NF-kappaB-dependent genes, Cellular Signalling (2018)

Amplicon sequencing: Köhler J. M., et al., The Local Ecological Memory of Soil: Majority and Minority Components of Bacterial Communities in Prehistorical Urns from Schöps (Germany), Environmental Research (2018)

Genome sequencing: Cartwright J. F., et al., Highly sensitive detection of mutations in CHO cell recombinant DNA using multi-parallel single molecule real-time DNA sequencing; Biotechnology & Bioengineering (2018)

Genome sequencing: Salsano C., et al., Complete Genome Sequence of the Polymyxin E (Colistin)-Producing Paenibacillus sp. Strain B-LR, Microbiology Resource Announcements (2018)

Amplicon sequencing: Summerer A., et al., Ultra-deep amplicon sequencing indicates absence of low-grade mosaicism with normal cells in patients with type-1 NF1 deletions, Human Genetics (2018)

Amplicon analysis: Kappel K., Haase I.Käppel C., Sotelo C.G. and Schröder U., Species identification in mixed tuna samples with next-generation sequencing targeting two short cytochrome b gene fragments. Food Chemistry (2017);

Amplicon analysis: Langer J.A.F. et al., Community barcoding reveals little effect of ocean acidification on the composition of coastal plankton communities: Evidence from a long-term mesocosm study in the Gullmar Fjord, Skagerrak. PLoS One (2017); doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175808

Epigenetics: Widschwendter, Evan, Jones, Ghazali, Reisel, Ryan, Gentry-Maharaj, Zikan, Cibula, Eichner, Alunni-Fabbroni, Koch, Janni, Paprotka, Wittenberger, Menon, Wahl, Rack, Lempiäinen. Methylation patterns in serum DNA for early identification of disseminated breast cancer. Genome Med (2017)

Transcriptome sequencing: Akagi et al., RNA-Seq analysis of human cell lines established from normal and neoplastic esophageal squamous epithelium

Epigenetics: Widschwendter, Zikan, Wahl, Lempiäinen, Paprotka, Evans, Jones, Ghazali, Reisel, Eichner, Rujan, Yang, Teschendorff, Ryan Cibula Menon, Wittenberger. The potential of circulating tumor DNA methylation analysis for the early detection and management of ovarian cancer. Genome Med (2017)

Genome analysis: Sollars, E. et al., Genome sequence and genetic diversity of European ash trees. Nature (2016); doi:10.1038/nature20786

Genome analysis: Sato, K. et al., Resequencing of the common marmoset genome improves genome assemblies and gene-coding sequence analysis. Scientific Reports, 5:16894

Amplicon analysis: Lange, A., Schilling E., Strittmatter A. et al., AmpliconDuo: A split-sample filtering protocol for high-throughput amplicon sequencing of microbial communities. PLOS One 10(11)

Genome analysis: Tourasse, N. et al., The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the green microalga Lobosphaera (Parietochloris) incisa reveals a new type of palindromic repetitive repeat. BMC Genomics, vol. 16:580

Transcriptome analysis: Kwasiborski, A. et al., Transcriptome of the quorum-sensing signal-degrading Rhodococcus erythropolis responds differentially to virulent and avirulent Pectobacterium atrosepticum. Heredity

Amplicon analysis: Köberl, M. et al., Agroforestry leads to shifts within the gammaproteobacterial microbiome of banana plants cultivated in Central America. Frontiers in microbiology 6

Genome analysis: Shimomura, M. et al., The Glycine max cv. enrei genome for improvement of Japanese soybean cultivars. Intern. Journal of Genomics, vol. 2015 (358127)

Amplicon analysis: Tambadou, F. et al., Characterization of the colistin (polymyxin E1 and E2) biosynthetic gene cluster. Archives of Microbiology

Amplicon analysis: Schiml, S. et al., The CRISPR/Cas system can be used as nuclease for in planta gene targeting and as paired nickases for directed mutagenesis in Arabidopsis resulting in heritable progeny. Plant J. 80 (6)

Genome analysis: Moura AE., Janse van Rensburg C., Pilot M., Tehrani A., et al. Killer whale nuclear genome and mtDNA reveal widespread population bottleneck during the last glacial maximum. MolBiolEvol 5(1121-31)

Genome analysis: Stoeckle, B. et al., Identification of 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the high montane gastropod Semilimax kotulae using high-throughput sequence data. Molluscan Research 34(1)

Transcriptome analysis: Boenigk, J. et al., Effects of silver nitrate and silver nanoparticles on a planktonic community: general trends after short-term exposure. PloS one 9(4)

Amplicon analysis: Zozomová-Lihová, J. et al., When fathers are instant losers: homogenization of rDNA loci in recently formed Cardamine schulzii trigenomic allopolyploid. New Phytologist

Transcriptome analysis: Højland, D. et al., Adaptation of Musca domestica L. field population to laboratory breeding causes transcriptional alterations. PloS one 9(1)

Amplicon analysis: Schmidt, R. et al., Effects of bacterial inoculants on the indigenous microbiome and secondary metabolites of chamomile plants. Frontiers in microbiology 5

Transcriptome analysis: Merlot, S. et al., The metal transporter PgIREG1 from the hyperaccumulator Psychotria gabriellae is a candidate gene for nickel tolerance and accumulation. Journal of experimental botany

Genome analysis: Wang, J. et al., Nucleotide sequences of 16 transmissible plasmids identified in nine multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli isolates expressing an ESBL phenotype isolated from food-producing animals and healthy humans. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 69

Amplicon analysis: Herlemann et al. Uncoupling of bacterial and terrigenous dissolved organic matter dynamics in decomposition experiments. PLOS One 9(4)

Transcriptome analysis: Safavi-Hemami et al. Diversity of Conotoxin Gene Superfamilies in the Venomous Snail, Conus victoriae. PLoS ONE 9(2)

Genome analysis: Fujinami et al. Genome Sequence of Deep-Sea Denitrifier Pseudomonas sp. Strain MT-1, Isolated from the Mariana Trench. Genome Announc. 2(6)

Transcriptome analysis: Yamauchi et al. Newly Developed SNP-Based Identification Method of Hop Varieties. ASBC 72(4)

Fish-Project: Roche 454 & MiSeq: Haase et al. Species identification by DNA sequencing (Application of Next Generation Sequencing on Food and Feed Analysis). eFOOD-Lab International (2)

Amplicon analysis: Chaillou et al. Origin and ecological selection of core and food-specific bacterial communities associated with meat and seafood spoilage. The ISME Journal

Transcriptome analysis: Amich et al. Regulation of sulphur assimilation is essential for virulence and affects iron homeostasis of the human-pathogenic mould Aspergillus fumigatus. PLOS One, 9(8)

Amplicon analysis: Wunderlin et al. Endospore-enriched sequencing approach reveals unprecedented diversity of Firmicutes in sediments. Environ. Microbio. Reports

Amplicon analysis: Fauser et al. Both CRISPR/Cas-based nucleases and nickases can be used efficiently for genome engineering in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal, 79 (2)

Transcriptome analysis: Shimizu et al. Qualitative de novo analysis of full length cDNA and quantitative analysis of gene expression for common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) transcriptomes using parallel long-read technology and short-read sequencing. PLOS One, 9(6)

Amplicon analysis: Gomathi et al. Screening of Indigenous Oxalate Degrading Lactic Acid Bacteria from Human Faeces and South Indian Fermented Foods: Assessment of Probiotic Potential. The Scientific World Journal, 648059

Amplicon analysis: Sugiyama et al. Changes in the Bacterial Community of Soybean Rhizospheres during Growth in the Field. PLOS One 9(6)

Twin testing: Weber-Lehmann, Schilling, Gradl, Richter, Wiehler, Rolf. Finding the needle in the haystack: Differentiating „identical twins in paternity testing and forensics by ultra-deep next generation sequencingsForensic Sci. Intl.: Genetics

Genome analysis: Bottacini et al. Comparative genomics of the Bifidobacterium breve taxon. BMC Genomics, 15:170

Amplicon analysis: Holler et al. Metagenomic analysis of the stool microbiome in patients receiving allogeneic SCT: Loss of diversity is associated with use of systemic antibiotics and more pronounced in gastrointestinal GvHD. BBMT 01.030

Genome analysis: Takeuchi et al. Complete Genome Sequence of the Biocontrol Strain Pseudomonas protegens Cab57 Discovered in Japan Reveals Strain-Specific Diversity of This Species. PLOS One 9(4)

Genome analysis: Zhurina et al. High-quality draft genome sequence of Bifidobacterium longum E18, isolated from a healthy adult. Genome Announc. 01084-13

Genome analysis: Sabat et al. Novel organization of the arginine catabolic mobile element and staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec composite island and its horizontal transfer between distinct Staphylococcus aureus genotypes. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 57 (11)

Genome analysis: Naito et al. De novo assembly of the complete organelle genome sequences of azuki bean (Vigna angularis) using next-generation sequencers. Ibaraki 305-8602

Genome analysis: Mondy et al. Genome Sequence of the Quorum-Quenching Agrobacterium tumefaciens Strain WRT31. GenomeA 10.1270

Amplicon analysis: Wunderlin et al. Stage 0 sporulation gene A as a molecular marker to study diversity of endospore-forming Firmicutes. environmental microbiology reports 10.1111

Amplicon analysis: Sauvain et al. Bacterial communities in trace metal contaminated lake sediments are dominated by endospore-forming bacteria. Aquat Sci, 10.1007

Amplicon analysis: Bueche et al. Quantification of Endospore-Forming Firmingcutes by Quantitative PCR with the Functional Gene spo0A. Appl. Environ.Microbiol. 79(17)

Transcriptome analysis: Bizuayehu et al. Characterization of Novel Precursor miRNAs Using Next Generation Sequencing and Prediction of miRNA Targets in Atlantic Halibut. PLOS ONE 8(4)

Amplicon analysis: Sedlácek et al. Enterococcus ureilyticus sp. nov and Enterococcus rotai sp. nov., two urease-producing enterococci from the environment. IJSEM 63(Pt 2)

Transcriptome analysis: D’Agostino et al. Genomic analysis of the native European Solanum species, S. dulcamara. BMC Genomics 14:356

Transcriptome analysis: Gould et al. Deep sequencing of Trichomonas vaginalis during the early infection of vaginal epithelial cells and amoeboid transition. International Journal for Parasitology [Epub ahead of print]

Amplicon analysis: Heinrichs et al. Analysis of Black Fungal Biofilms Occurring at Domestic Water Taps (I): Compositional Analysis Using Tag-Encoded FLX Amplicon Pyrosequencing. Mycopathologia 1-11

Transcriptome analysis: Passos M et al. Analysis of the leaf transcriptome of Musa acuminata during interaction with Mycospharella musicola: gene assembly, annotation and marker development. BMC Genomics 14:78

Genome analysis (Cosmids): Chi X et al. The muraminomicin biosynthetic gene cluster and enzymatic formation of the 2-deoxyaminoribosyl appendage. Med. Chem. Commun., 4, 239-243

Amplicon analysis: Matyasek et al. Next generation sequencing analysis reveals a relationship between rDNA unit diversity and locus number in Nicotiana diploids. BMC Genomics 13:722

Genome analysis: Stoeckle et al. Identification of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the endangered Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) by high-throughput sequencing. J Ornithol 153:249-253

Transcriptome analysis: Urbarova et al. Digital Marine Bioprospecting: Mining new neurotoxin drug candidates from the transcriptomes of cold-water sea anemones. Marine Drugs 10(10)

Genome analysis: Witzel et al. Genome sequence of Enterobacter radicincitans DSM16656T, a plant growth-promoting endophyte. J. Bacteriol. vol. 194

Genome analysis: Zischka M et al. Complete genome sequence of the porcine isolate Enterococcus faecalis D32. J Bacteriol. vol. 194

Amplicon analysis: Jacoby et al. Interindividual variability and co-regulation of DNA methylation differ among blood cell populations. Epigenetics 7:12

Genome analysis: Karczmarczyk M et al. Complete nucleotide sequence of pVQS1 containing a quinolone resistance determinant from Salmonella enterica serovar Virchow associated with foreign travel. J Antimicrob Chemother

Genome analysis: Hauser H, Richter DC et al. Comparative genomic analyses of the Taylorellae. Vet Microbiol. Apr 6

Transcriptome analysis: Mutasa-Göttgens E et al. A new RNASeq-based reference transcriptome for sugar beet and its application in transcriptome-scale analysis of vernalization and gibberellin responses. BMC Genomics 13:99

Genome analysis: Volozhantsev NV et al. Molecular Characterization of Podoviral Bacteriophages Virulent for Clostridium perfringens and Their Comparison with Members of the Picovirinae. PLoS ONE 7(5)

Transcriptome analysis: Hroudova M et al. Diversity, Phylogeny and Expression Patterns of Pou and Six Homeodomain Transcription Factors in Hydrozoan JellyfishCraspedacusta sowerbyi. PLoS ONE 7(4)

Amplicon analysis: Håkansson Å et al. Blueberry Husks and Probiotics Attenuate Colorectal Inflammation and Oncogenesis, and Liver Injuries in Rats Exposed to Cycling DSS-Treatment. PLoS ONE 7(3)

Genome analysis: Morohoshi T et al. Complete genome sequence and characterization of the N-acylhomoserine lactone-degrading gene of the potato leaf-associated Solibacillus silvestris. J Biosci Bioeng. Jan;113(1):20-5

Genome analysis: Zhurina et al. Complete genome sequence of Bifidobacterium bifidum S17. J Bacteriol. 193 (1)

Transcriptome analysis: Windisch H et al. Thermal acclimation in Antartic fish: transcriptomic profiling of metabolic pathways. AJP – Regu Physiol 301, 5

Transcriptome analysis: Kinoshita S et al. Deep Sequencing of ESTs from Nacreous and Prismatic Layer Producing Tissues and a Screen for Novel Shell Formation-Related Genes in the Pearl Oyster. PLoS ONE 6(6)

Genome analysis: Amlacher, S. et al. Insight into structure and assembly of the nuclear pore complex by utilizing the genome of a eukaryotic thermophile. Cell 146, July 2011, p 277-289

Genome analysis: Morohoshi, T. et al. Genome sequence of Microbacterium testaceum StLB037, an N-Acylhomoserine Lactone-Degrading Bacterium Isolated from Potato Leaves. Journal of bacteriology, p. 2072–2073

Transcriptome analysis: Kuzina V. et al. Barbarea vulgaris linkage map and quantitative trait loci for saponins, glucosinolates, hairiness and resistance to the herbivore Phyllotreta nemorum. Phytochemistry. 2011 Feb 72, 2-3

Genome analysis & gap closing services: Schoen, C.,Weber-Lehmann, J., Strittmatter, A., et al. Whole-genome sequence of the transformableNeisseria meningitidisserogroup A strain WUE2594. Journal of Bacteriology (JB), 27-01-2011

Transcriptome analysis: Toulza, E. et al. Gene expression in proliferating cells of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella (Dinophyceae). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, p4521-4529

Amplicon analysis: Medinger, R., Ottenwälder, B. et al. Diversity in a hidden world: potential and limitation of next generation sequencing for surveys of molecular diversity of Eukaryotic microorganisms. Molecular Ecology, 19 Suppl. 1: 32-40

Amplicon analysis: Nolte, V., Ottenwälder, B. et al. Contrasting seasonal niche separation between rare and abundant taxa conceals the extent of protist diversity. Molecular Ecology; 19(14):2908-2915

Fosmid sequencing: Beloqui, A., Strittmatter, AW. et al. Diversity of glycosyl hydrolases from cellulose-depleting communities enriched from casts of two earthworm species. Appl Environ Microbiol. 76(17):5934-46. Epub 2010 Jul 9

Transcriptome analysis: Young, N.D. et al. Elucidating the transcriptome of Fasciola hepatica – A key to fundamental and biotechnological discoveries for a neglected parasite. Biotechnology Advances 28, 222-231

Transcriptome analysis: Elmer KR et al. Rapid sympatric ecological differentiation of crater lake cichlid fishes within historic times. BMC Biol. 2010 May 12; 8:60

Genome analysis: Nowrousian, M. et al. De novo Assembly of a 40 Mb eukaryotic genome from short sequence reads: Sordaria macrospora, a model organism for fungal morphogenesis. PLoS Genetics, April 2010, Volume 6, Issue 4

Transcriptome analysis: Johansen, S.D., Emblem, A., Karlsen, B.O., Okkenhaug, S., Hansen, H., Moum, T., Coucheron, D.H., Seternes, O.M. Approaching marine bioprospecting in hexacorals by RNA deep sequencing. New Biotechnology, March 2010

Genome analysis: De Schutter K., Glinka, S., Weber-Lehmann, J. et al. Genome Sequence of the recombinant protein production hostPichia pastoris. Nature Biotechnology (2009) 27(6), 561-566

Genome analysis: Gordon, P.M. et al. Disease-specific motifs an be identified in circulating nucleic acids from live elk and cattle infected with transmissible spongiform encephalopahties. Nucleic Acids Res (2009) 37(2), 550-556

Genome analysis: Beck, J., Urnovitz, H.B., Riggert, J., Clerici, M., Schütz, E. Profile of circulating DNA in apparently healthy individuals. Clin Chem (2009) 55(4), 730-738

Genome analysis: Steuernagel B. et al. De novo 454 sequencing of barcoded BAC pools for comprehensive gene survey and genome analysis in the complex genome of barley. BMC Genomics 2009, 10:547

Transcriptome analysis: Torres, T.T., Ottenwälder, B. et al. Gene expression profiling by massively parallel sequencing. Genome Research (2008) 18: 172-177

Genome analysis: Waterfield NR, et al. Rapid Virulence Annotation (RVA): identification of virulence factors using a bacterial genome library and multiple invertebrate hosts. PNAS (2008)

Transcriptome analysis: Ender, C. et al. A human snoRNA with microRNA-like functions. MolCell (2008)

Transcriptome analysis: Gassler, N., Kopitz, J., Tehrani, A., Ottenwälder, B., et. al. Expression of acyl-CoA synthetase 5 reflects the state of villus architecture in human small intestine. J. Pathol. (2004)

Genome analysis: Horn M. et. al. Illuminating the evolutionary history of chlamydiae. Science (2004)

Transcriptome analysis: Dietrich G. et. al. Transcriptome analysis of Neisseria meningitidis during infection. J Bacteriol. (2003)


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